Same Manga-ka, New tricks (part one)

So its a new year and there’s a new show  line-up. But, perhaps some new books to pick up as well. Today we’ll  be looking at a series from a manga-ka you may know already.

Rinne, by Rumiko Takahashi

Now Rumiko Takahashi is no stranger to manga. She’s penned such hits as Ranma1/2, Maison Ikkoku, and Inuyasha, all of which have  been globally  popular. Her newest work to date is Kyokai no Rinne, which is being released here in the U.S. by Viz Media.

Rinne is the story of  Sakura Mamiya, a high school girl who can see spirits. But Sakura isn’t the typical Sakura of anime style. She isn’t  a card captor, not a ninja, or a samurai. Nope she’s normal, level headed and completely excepting of the world around her.

The story kicks off when Sakura meets Rinne, a red headed half shinigami, half human. Rinne isn’t all that typical either. And before the Bleach fans start harping that Takahashi a copycat, please recall that there have been PLENTY of Shinigami before Rukia and Ichigo met.(Ex, Botan in YuYu Hakusho, the cast of Yami no Matsuei/Descendants of Darkness) Rinne, has quite a large debt on his shoulders, and spends his days living in the school’s club house and exorcizing spirits.

Takahashi’s work is amazing as usual; you would think there would be some sort of disconnect (seeing as she’s been writing for quite sometime) but her charcters are a perfect fit. While the series is only up to seven volumes so far, the characters have slipped into their roles and a dual sided harem is forming, somewhat reminiscent of Ranma and Akane’s multiple suitors. Takahashi’s work has always had a comfort zone, the cast may laugh, cry, or head into battle, but they  still remain the same. It’s good to know masters like Takahashi are still around.

You can find Rinne in the New York Public library, and read  the chapters at

Here’s a trailer from Shonen Sunday  (Please note there isn’t a Rinne Anime…yet.)

Be aware that the series has been on hiatus (on the viz website) since the tsunami. No word on when it resumes.

But I ‘d check with the Rumic World Website. They know their Takahashi. And she’s worth knowing.

And honestly, I doubt the (official) wait will be long.


Why 2012 can’t be the end… I seriously wanna see this stuff!

I know we’re in the fall line-up, but I’m already looking at the Winter set. In fact, I’m looking at the next year, period. This is the first of a few rant-like posts, but stay with me.

Youko X Boku SS/Inu X Boku Secret Service

At first glance, it looks like some Shana knockoff is hanging out with a bishonen butler…Thank goodness that’s not it. There’s a bit more to this story. The young shana looking girl is Riricho Shirakin, who’s just moved into a apartment complex named “Maison de Ayakashi”. Those who watch Kekkaishi may already be in on the joke but for those of you who don’t know, :Ayakashi: is a general name for things that go bump in the night. Those who dwell in the Apartment Complex are given their own SS (Secret Service Member) and Riricho’s dude is a stud who worships the ground she walks on. He may look like a pretty face, but he’s actually a (Spoiler?) Fox (Spoiler?) This manga is getting an Anime adaptation and will be hitting the silver screen January 2012.

Here’s the trailer:

The manga is online, take a look around to find it. But remember, should it come overseas, support the official release.


The Magic Treehouse


ZOMG. Okay, I used to read the Magic Tree House series when I was like…nine. And lo and behold, it’s so awesome it’s getting a movie over in Japan. If you don’t remember or have never heard about it, The Magic Tree house was a series of books about a brother and sister named Jack and Annie. They travel to different lands and time periods and well, I don’t want to give away how they do it or why, you just gotta read ’em.
So apparently their getting a movie over there. I’m hoping we get a series. And that it comes back over here. And airs on PBS. No, I’m not crazy. Shh. That books series was awesome. Harry Potter fans would like it.

The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra

I’m pretty sure this has been blogged to death but yes, I’m waiting for this series. Of course, its title makes no sense (THANKS A LOT JAMES CAMERON) but this is it, the sequel to Avatar: The last Airbender. Korra picks up a hundred years later, and the Avatar is female, a water bender, a rides a Polar bear/dog thing. Awesome already, I know. The original cast is out of the picture but we get traces of them here and there (I won’t say too much, ’cause then it won’t be fun for everyone else) and the new setting is pretty spectacular.

Here’s the pretty trailer:

Check out, Fall 2012.

The Secret World of Arrietty Official Trailer

A Ghibli movie? In American theaters? Heck yeah. Arietty is based on The Borrowers…You know, that book where tiny people live in your walls and take stuff they know you wont notice missing.Once again, Disney is dubbing Ghibli work and sticking their name all over it. Well, over at Pixar they love their Ghibli, and if it weren’t for them some people would have never heard of Miyazaki, so I can’t be too mad. As usual they’ve hired big names to pull off even the smallest roles in the film, so let’s hope for good voice acting. Even though one of them sounds too old already.

This one will be in theatres February 2012.

That’s it for now. Also, The Mayans are totally Liars.

Fall Anime Picks

Reviewing the initial episodes for each series.

Pursuing my True Self with Persona 4

Okay, Let me start off by saying (In the words of LK’S Naruto) that this Anime is “totally A-MA-ZAAAHH”

Persona 4 makes a very clean transition from Video Game to Anime. The story appears to be intact, and the character designs aren’t tampered with. Fans of the game should be pleased with this one, while newcomers will probably be pulled in by the humor/action/suspense aspects. They aint meant to be flashy. Before you write it off as bland looking, know the characters live in a hicktown. One of my concerns (As someone who’s played the game)was how the main character would turn out. Yu Narukami isn’t completely lifeless, but he has little presence on his own show. When he does react to something, its almost like you’re being reminded he’s there. On a side note, The show isn’t just like watching someone play the game. It moves pretty quickly, as the first hour of gameplay is captured in  one episode. Somethings are skipped, but others are expanded upon. This makes the show more well rounded. I’m giving it A for effort.



So Everything that makes me whole isn’t in Guilty Crown 

I’m..not too impressed with Guilty Crown…yet. The concept is nice though. There are certain things in the show I like, including  the fact pilots aren’t actually in their mechs (Which look like Code Geass Knightmares, a.k.a Gundams on roller skates) And there are things I don’t get, like Inori. If you’re on the run and you work for a underground organization, why are you running around in a skimpy dress and heels? And the main character…His name is Ouma ( Ou=King) Shu. Ouma Shu. OMASHU. Avatar the last airbender anyone? No? Okay…And I don’t wanna  call him a Shinji clone, but…If Inori had blue hair, I’d swear I was watching Eva. And this guy…


This dude is like the love child of Break (Pandora Hearts) and Fai (Tsubasa) on Acid. So. Creepy.


Ouma Shu. Hoping for more from him. Awesome weapon though.

Is Guilty Crown copying Persona 4?

This is from Persona 4, a show about going into the world of television and fighting monsters.

This is from Guilty Crown, a show about using power to extract weapons

I had to point it out. It was bothering me. Both OPs are pretty good. (Though I admit I’m partial to P4)

Guilty Crown gets a B for now.

Fly! With Shakugan no Shana FINAL 

A nice surprise. The newest (and last!) season of Shana starts off good. Things heat up (Bad pun) as Yuji has made the jump from protagonist to (SPOILER?) villain (SPOILER?) and I’m so glad he did. Shana is looking a little shaken with her Yuji gone, but it feels like she’s maturing. All the characters in the loop about the Flame Hazes seem a little tense. Margery gets tossed around early on, and I hope to see some more developments with her and her lackeys.It seems war is raging and time is of the essence, so no fillers man. No fillers. Please. The OP in this one also feels like Kotoko’s usual brand of goodness, but I wanted a little more.


Look! Yuji’s doing something!


Shana, learning something new.


Stuff is about to go down. Finally.

A+ For Shana. Keep it moving.


 Maybe I know nothing, But still I will walk with UN-GO

What is this…I don’t even. First off, I was curious about this when I heard it was based on a Meiji Era (Kenshin anyone?) book, but pushed into the near Future. I was like, “Whaaaaat?” And then when I saw the movie was coming out, I figured this series was serious stuff.  And I was right. UN-GO feels like one of those WTF anime but plays like a solid detective show. The characters  are all designed well.  This one was of course brought to us by noitaminA (They gave us No.6 this summer) so I was excited about that. Plus, its got a wonderful OP and ED. The OP is performed by SchoolFoodPunishment ( Eden of the East’s ED). The trippy ED is from Lama (NO.6’S OP) The cases are  basically on par with Detective Conan so far, and the character set up seems intriguing.


Oh, that’s his assi-



(O_O) wait, What!?


Emo Dark haired main character…Why does that seem familiar…

a A- for UN-GO. Hoping this doesn’t turn into a total WTF.

I’m hoping to see more from Guilty Crown. Seeing as its Simultaneously broadcasted, it’s got a big audience.  Persona 4 an UN-go are okay. I hope Shana pushes the bar and leaves us with a good final season. Also if you were wondering what the weird bold sentences are, I simply lifted lyrics from each OP .

We’re done here. HAPPY HALLOWEEN